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CHAPTER 13: Not Alone



I don’t know what angels look like, but after my son’s experience at Cayuga Lake Medical Center… I’m convinced they’re real.  I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised since they’re in the Bible. One story in 2 Kings always struck me. A man awakened one morning and realized he was surrounded by an army’s horses and chariots. So he asked a prophet for counsel. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet said, “for those who are with us outnumber those who are with them.” Then the man looked up and saw this spiritual realm with his own eyes.  The mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire – an invisible army ready to protect him. Though he thought he was alone, he was sorely mistaken. In this Chapter 13 painting, I depicted this mysterious angelic force with an army of blue dots – hovering over the chaos… ready to protect us and make things right.



W 36in

H 48in

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