Ghosted: An American Story
New York Times bestselling ghostwriter Nancy French is coming out of the shadows to tell her own incredible story.
Nancy's family hails from the foothills of the Appalachians, where life was dominated by coal mining, violence, abuse, and poverty. Longing for an adventure, she married a stranger, moved to New York, and dropped out of college. In spite of her lack of education, she found success as a ghostwriter for conservative political leaders. However, when she was unwilling to endorse an unsuitable president, her allies turned on her and she found herself spiritually adrift, politically confused, and occupationally unemployable.
Republicans mocked her, white nationalists targeted her, and her church community alienated her. But in spite of death threats, sexual humiliation, and political ostracization, she learned the importance of finding her own voice--and that the people she thought were her enemies could be her closest friends.
A poignant and engrossing memoir filled with humor and personal insights, Ghosted is a deeply American story of change, loss, and ultimately love.
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Nancy French has collaborated on multiple books for celebrities - five of which made the New York Times best seller list - and written books under her own name. She has conducted a multi-year journalistic investigation, written commentary, and published for the nation’s most prominent newspapers and magazines. She is currently working on her own memoir which will be on bookshelves in the spring of 2024.
She lives in Franklin, Tennessee with her husband – journalist David French – and family.

Survivors, Ex-employees Say Unreported Abuse at Kanakuk Kamps in Branson Spans Decades
Springfield News-Leader
Branson-based Kanakuk Kamps and its associated ministries are a multi-million-dollar global enterprise that includes the largest evangelical sports camp in the world. Since 1926, Kanakuk has hosted more than 500,000 campers and 50,000 staffers in Missouri and its many international locations. Survivors and ex-employees say unreported abuse at Kanakuk camps in Branson has spanned decades.

‘It Was Just a Thing at Kanakuk’: Campers and Staff Say Nudity was Part of Camp Culture
Springfield News-Leader
The more casual attitudes toward nudity at Kanakuk — where communal showering and physical inspections of unclothed campers continued into the 1990s and early 2000s, former staff members said — made some campers uncomfortable. Others quickly became accustomed to it, providing fertile ground for a predator like Newman who used nudity and discussions about sexuality to groom his victims.